Yogi Ramsuratkumar wurde am 01.12.1918 in Nardara, einem kleinen Dorf am Ufer des Flusses Ganges in Uttar Padesh geboren. Seit seiner Kindheit entwickelte er eine unvergleichliche Affinität für den Fluss Ganges.


Ein Vorfall führte ihn dazu nach der Ursache für Leben und Tod zu suchen. Kapadia Baba wies ihn an nach Südindien zu reisen, um Antworten zu bekommen. 1947 und 1948 reiste er zum Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, zum Ramana Ashram in Tiruvannamalai und zum Anandashram, Kanhangad.


Im Jahr 1952 erfuhr er von dem Mahanirvana von Sri Aurobindo und Ramana Maharishi. Um Antworten auf seine Fragen auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit zu bekommen, eilte er zum Anandashram, Kanhangad, wo ihn sein Guru in das Mantra "Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram" einweihte. Er wiederholte das "Rama Mantra" ununterbrochen für eine Woche, bis seine gesamte Existenz mit Brahman verschmolzen wurde.


In ununterbrochener Verschmelzung mit Brahman reiste er zwischen 1952-1959 meist zu Fuß durch ganz Indien und ließ sich dann schliesslich in Tiruvannamalai nieder. Er hatte weder eine Unterkunft, noch Geld für Lebensmittel oder seine sonstigen Bedürfnisse. Man konnte ihn unter einem Punnai Baum, auf den Eisenbahnplattformen, im Arunachaleswarar Tempel und nachts gewöhnlich auf den Veranda eines der Messinggeschäfte beim Tempel finden. Er pflegte den Berg Arunachala zu umrunden.


Die wenigen Menschen, die zu dieser Zeit bereits die Göttlichkeit in ihm erkannten, fanden es schwierig, ihn zu lokalisieren. Einige Anhänger kauften ein Haus für ihn in der Sannadhi Street, in der Nähe vom Arunachaleswar Tempel, sodass sie ihn leichter finden konnten. Obwohl das Haus schon im Jahr 1977 erworben wurde bezog er es erst im Jahr 1978. Er wohnte dort bis zum 23.11.1993, um « seines Vaters Arbeit zu tun".





Born on 01.12.1918 at Nardara Village (Uttar Pradesh) he was found in the company of sages on the bank of Ganges. He graduated from Allahabad University, obtained a diploma in education and served as a School teacher in Bihar State.


An incident led him to seek the cause for life and death. Kapadia Baba directed him to South India to get answers. In 1947 and 1948 he travelled to Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry, Ramana Ashram, Tiruvannamalai and Papa Ramdas's Ananda Ashram, Kanhangad.


In 1952 he became aware of Mahanirvan of Sri Aurobindo and Ramana Maharishi. To get answers for his questions in the course of his search for truth,he rushed to Ananda Ashram, Kanhangad, where His Guru, Papa Ramdas, initiated him with the Mantra 'Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram.' Repeating 'Rama Mantra' all the time for one week he merged with Brahman, the one and only existence.


In communion with 'Brahman' all the time he travelled all over India,

mostly on foot from 1952 to 1959 and settled at Tiruvannamalai. He had neither any place to stay nor any money for food or other needs. He could be found underneath the Punnai tree, Railway platform, Arunachaleswarar Temple or on the protruding planks of vessel shops during nights. He used to circumbulate around Mount Arunachala.


People though very few in number realized the divinity in him and found it difficult to locate him. Some devotees purchased a house for him in Sannadhi Street, near Arunachaleswar Temple, so that they could locate him with ease. Though the house was purchased in 1977 he occupied it only in 1978. He stayed there doing His Father's work till 23.11.1993.





When asked,”why do you work so ceaselessly? After all, you have realizeed the ultimate,” he replied, “Why does a tree bear fruit? Why does the sun shine? Why does it rain? Why does the breeze blow?”


“In this world, nobody is left without criticism. Without exception, all the great people have been criticized. Even Rama and Krishna! If Rama and Krishna were present today, they would also be criticized (laughter)! You have to put up with it. There is no need to run away.”


“This Beggar has not built and temple nor has he written any books. There is nothing about this Beggar’s life that is inspiring but he has left a name for mankind. Father has given a name “Yogi Ramsuratkumar” to humanity, for its benefit, out of his love.”


“The Divine descends where there is no selfishness. Even if there is a trace of selfishness, the Divine will not descend.”


“They say, ‘Love all, hate none.’ This Beggar says, ‘My Father is everyone.’ If you love Father, you love everyone. What is knowing everything? Knowing everything means loving everything.”


“Once this beggar signed ‘Om’ in somebody’s book. They asked me to sign my name. This Beggar replied, ‘Om is my best name and first name.”


“Yogi Ramsuratkumar is not the name of this Dirty Beggar. It is my Father’s name. Blessed are those who utter the name Yogi Ramsuratkumar, even once in their life.”


“To want to be happy is to make the Lord happy. To make the Lord happy is to chant his name.”


“This Beggar lives only for Father’s work. Father’s work is mysterious. It involves the whole cosmos. That is why so many difficulties. This Beggar’s work is with the whole cosmos.”


“Seeing people is only a small fraction of this Beggar’s work. Most of this Beggar’s work is hidden.”


“When people remember this Beggar, or even the coconut shell or fan or any event connected with this Beggar, Father blesses them.”


“Whatever happens, happens by Father’s will. Whatever happened is his grace. Whatever happens is perfect because Father is perfect.”


“They all say, vairagya, faith in Guru and repitition of the “mantra” are all necessary for God Realization. This Beggar says, Faith in the Guru will do.” The others will follow automatically.”